April/May Newsletter

For Immediate Release: Stickboy Coffee April and May Newsletter
I hope this press release finds you well and healthy!
Back in Stock
Stickboy Coffee’s famous limited release Peru is back in stock. This release is exclusive to our website and its selling fast so be sure to get some today!
Changing the World
May is cystic fibrosis awareness month. You can help us spread the awareness about cystic fibrosis by updating your social media profiles with CF Awareness Month graphics, or by sharing your story and tagging your posts with #CFawareness.
Stickboy Coffee Buffs
There are plenty of Stickboy Coffee buffs left! Our customized buffs are great for hiking, running, biking, and so much more!
Race Team Adventures
The Stickboy Coffee team is not racing right now because of what’s going on in the world, but you can get caught up on all of the Stickboy Coffee Race Team adventures over the past year.
Stickboy Coffee in Stores
Fast Eddies Cycles (143 George St) in Oswego, N.Y. has some Stickboy Coffee in stock. Please call ahead 315-210-6322 for curbside pick-up.
Thank You
Despite the strange times we find ourselves living in these days, I am very grateful for all of our customers at Stickboy Coffee and I want to personally thank you!
Have a great week!
Tom Hall the Stickboy behind Stickboy Coffee
How it all started: I have been so skinny all my life that from a young age I was given the nickname "Stickboy" so it only made sense to name the company Stickboy Coffee! Established in 2012, our mission is to inspire!
Love Stickboy Coffee!
Thomas Hall the Stickboy behind Stickboy Coffee
Stickboy Coffee