

I was on no sleep and had no breakfast. Out of all the podiums I get on during the year this one always means the most to me.

I helped Uncle Pat create the IditaFAT a few years ago and what an amazing 4 years it has been. I have gotten to know so many people through the IditaFAT and have developed some great friendships.

Being race director is a lot of responsibility and I am always being pulled in a million directions and on top of that I race in my own race. I am a bit of renegade I suppose to be race director and participate in my own race which causes for no sleep, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

What an AWESOME day the IditaFAT was!!

Thank you to my sponsor Tryon Bike and of course thank you to everyone at Stickboy Coffee. As always, thank you to all of our awesome volunteers who spent many hours getting this event together. This event would NEVER take place without the commitment of so many others both on and off the trails.


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